This site collects information about my Promotion sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae.
The graduation was split into two different events: the Promotion in the “Aula der Alten Universität” in Graz, and the Ring Ceremony in the Präsidentschaftskanzlei in the Hofburg, Vienna.
Media Coverage
Promotion Ceremony in Graz
- TU Graz Media Service (and derived: myscience.at, derGrazer, TU Austria)
- Kleine Zeitung (front page! and extended article)
Ring Ceremony in Vienna
- Bundespräsident (bundespräsident.at), official photos can be found here
- APA – Austria Presse Agentur (and derived: DiePresse, Salzburger Nachrichten, News, VOL.at, 5min.at, Tiroler Tageszeitung, Studium.at, puls24, OÖ Volksblatt, k.at, Burgenländische Volkszeitung, Niederösterreichische Nachrichten)
General and Local Media Coverage
Promotion in Graz
The event was streamed live. The recording is embedded below:
Picture Gallery
(© when marked by Oliver Wolf – TU Graz / Uni Graz, rest by Tobias Scheipel)