Tobias P. Scheipel
Hello and welcome to my webpage. My name is Tobias Scheipel, and this page aims at providing information about myself and what I do. To the top/right, you find a menu with even more pages to look into. More details about myself, my research, my university teaching activities, and a small news blog can be found there.
I am a postdoctoral researcher and teacher at the Embedded Architectures & Systems Group at the Institute of Technical Informatics, Graz University of Technology. I conducted my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Marcel Baunach and graduated sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae. You can find my dissertation here.
My research focuses on flexible and runtime-reconfigurable FPGA-based microcontroller architectures for embedded systems based on RISC-V. This involves hardware/software codesign strategies for both processor logic and embedded operating systems.
Apart from my research, I teach students how a CPU works, how to program embedded systems, how to write scientific publications, and how to create their own CPU.